Bledsoe County School Board Members
Chair - Andy Billingsley - District 6

email: andybillingsley@bledsoecountyschools.org
Co-Chair - Carolyn Oakes - District 5

email: carolynoakes@bledsoecountyschools.org

email: jacobfrady@bledsoecountyschools.org

email: bronreece@bledsoecountyschools.org

email: donsnow@bledsoecountyschools.org

The Bledsoe County Board of Education is composed of seven locally elected members. Annually the Board elects one of its own to serve as chair and vice-chair. Anyone interested in public education in Bledsoe County, Tennessee may attend the regular board meetings which are held the first Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. C.S.T., normally at Bledsoe County Middle School cafetorium.
The BCBOE is an affiliate of the TSBA (Tennessee School Board Association), the organization and representative agency of members of school boards in the state of Tennessee.
The Board Policy is posted in a online format found here
Speaking at Board Meetings
Individuals speaking to the Board shall address his or her remarks to the Chair or the Director, and may direct questions to individual Board members upon approval of the Chair. Each person speaking shall provide notice of their intent to address the Board in writing at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting and identify the matter to be presented to the Board. Each person speaking shall state his/her name and subject of his/her. The period of time such speakers will be allowed to address the Board will be limited to three (3) minutes, and the Chair will retain the authority to terminate the remarks of any individual who violates rules and policies of the Board or state statutes and regulations. Delegations shall select only one (1) individual to speak on their behalf unless otherwise determined by the Board.
Public Comment Period2
A period for public comment to provide the public with the opportunity to comment on matters that are germane to the items on the agenda for the meeting, with the exception of teacher, Board members or certified or non-certified employees’ disciplinary hearings who allegedly have violated the Policies or rules of the Board or state statutes and regulations, shall be reserved and placed on the agenda following the consideration of new business by the Board. Individuals wishing to address the Board must do so only after providing written notice of their intent to address the Board and the matter to be presented at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. Such individuals may only direct questions to the Director or the Chair of the Board rather than school administrators, certified and uncertified personnel and employees, department heads, or third parties in attendance. The period of time such speakers will be allowed to address the Board will be limited to three (3) minutes, and the Chair will retain the authority to terminate the remarks of any individual. Delegations shall select only one (1) individual to speak on their behalf unless otherwise determined by the Board.